"For the story of Acupuncture is the story of life itself"

- Dr. Daniel Keown

About Us

The Naturalist Clinic is a doctor-led wellness center that offers complementary

and alternative medical treatments that are safe and effective. Dr. Aileen Guzman, a

general pediatrician by profession, is a staunch supporter of holistic approaches in

treating an individual. She believes that by integrating alternative and traditional medical

principles in her practice, she can create a more holistic approach to health. Her goal is

to help her patients achieve optimal health, to be at their best and live life to the fullest.

Mission & Vision

Our purpose is to improve the health of our patients using both western medicine

methods and alternative medical theories and treatments. Our goal is to improve one’s

well-being – body, mind, and soul, restore balance, foster recovery, and promote

rejuvenation. Also, we aim to educate the community about the benefits of

complementary medical treatment to better their lives.



Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating a

variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin (Acupoints) with needles.

“Each acupuncture needle produces a tiny injury at the insertion site, and although it is

slight enough to cause little to no discomfort, it is enough of a signal to let the body

know it needs to respond. This response involves stimulation of the immune system,

promoting circulation to the area, wound healing, and pain modulation”. Acupuncture

aims to assist people in achieving balance, or qi (chee), and, as a result, provide relief

for many ailments. Ideally done once a week.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating a

variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin (Acupoints) with needles.

“Each acupuncture needle produces a tiny injury at the insertion site, and although it is

slight enough to cause little to no discomfort, it is enough of a signal to let the body

know it needs to respond. This response involves stimulation of the immune system,

promoting circulation to the area, wound healing, and pain modulation”. Acupuncture

aims to assist people in achieving balance, or qi (chee), and, as a result, provide relief

for many ailments. Ideally done once a week.


This is a standardized ear acupuncture that consists of gently inserting up to 5

needles, seeds or beads into specific places in the ear and sitting for about 30 and 45

minutes. This is used to aid in the treatment of various addictions, even food, and is

recommended for insomnia, high levels of stress, mental and emotional trauma, anxiety

and depression.


This is a standardized ear acupuncture that consists of gently inserting up to 5

needles, seeds or beads into specific places in the ear and sitting for about 30 and 45

minutes. This is used to aid in the treatment of various addictions, even food, and is

recommended for insomnia, high levels of stress, mental and emotional trauma, anxiety

and depression.


This is a form of heat therapy that involves burning the dried plant Moxa and

leaving it very near the surface of the skin. Moxa has been used in traditional ancient

Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has been shown to fight serious diseases

and maladies, from cancer to joint pain. It relieves pain, strengthens the digestive

system, promotes flow of qi and blood, boosts the immune system, extends life and

promotes health.


This is a form of heat therapy that involves burning the dried plant Moxa and

leaving it very near the surface of the skin. Moxa has been used in traditional ancient

Chinese medicine for thousands of years and has been shown to fight serious diseases

and maladies, from cancer to joint pain. It relieves pain, strengthens the digestive

system, promotes flow of qi and blood, boosts the immune system, extends life and

promotes health.


Your wellness journey begins with this: a comprehensive consultation that

considers the whole person- body, mind, spirit, and emotion- in the quest for optimal

health and wellness. This is achieved through in-depth and details discussion about

your nutrition, sleep patterns, eating habits, digestion patterns, stress level, social

support systems and medications being taken. This also includes an evaluation of the

patient’s lifestyle and dietary habits through live blood analysis. LBA is a simple

procedure to obtain real-time assessment of the blood by pricking a patient’s fingertip

and examining the blood under the microscope. The image of blood cells is projected on

a monitor where it is scrutinized for any abnormalities. Ideally done by new patients.


Your wellness journey begins with this: a comprehensive consultation that

considers the whole person- body, mind, spirit, and emotion- in the quest for optimal

health and wellness. This is achieved through in-depth and details discussion about

your nutrition, sleep patterns, eating habits, digestion patterns, stress level, social

support systems and medications being taken. This also includes an evaluation of the

patient’s lifestyle and dietary habits through live blood analysis. LBA is a simple

procedure to obtain real-time assessment of the blood by pricking a patient’s fingertip

and examining the blood under the microscope. The image of blood cells is projected on

a monitor where it is scrutinized for any abnormalities. Ideally done by new patients.


It is a safe and natural cleansing process of the colon using gentle infusion of

filtered temperature-controlled water that dramatically increases the elimination of waste

thus assisting the body’s natural detoxification process. It is ideal for those who suffer

from chronic constipation, liver and detox issues, recovering from illnesses, overcoming

addictions, skin issues, joint pains, depression, or struggling with gut issues. This is a

45- minute procedure.


It is a safe and natural cleansing process of the colon using gentle infusion of

filtered temperature-controlled water that dramatically increases the elimination of waste

thus assisting the body’s natural detoxification process. It is ideal for those who suffer

from chronic constipation, liver and detox issues, recovering from illnesses, overcoming

addictions, skin issues, joint pains, depression, or struggling with gut issues. This is a

45- minute procedure.


This is a form of IV treatment that supplies the body with necessary vitamins,

minerals and antioxidants to replenish deficiencies or aid in healing. It requires using a

needle or catheter (tube) that is inserted into the vein. You will be monitored during the

procedure. Infusions vary in composition for different conditions. This is customized for

the needs of each patient, covering everything from strengthening your immune system,

to improved recovery, to reducing inflammation in the body.


This is a form of IV treatment that supplies the body with necessary vitamins,

minerals and antioxidants to replenish deficiencies or aid in healing. It requires using a

needle or catheter (tube) that is inserted into the vein. You will be monitored during the

procedure. Infusions vary in composition for different conditions. This is customized for

the needs of each patient, covering everything from strengthening your immune system,

to improved recovery, to reducing inflammation in the body.


Also known as cupping, ventosa is a form of massage therapy which

decompresses soft tissues using vacuum suction, unlike other forms of massage that

compresses soft tissues. During this procedure, the cup gently sucks to your skin and

lifts underlying soft tissue into the cup thereby moving stagnated blood and improving

blood circulation. This is recommended for those who suffer from chronic pain and

fatigue syndromes, high stress, migraine, joint pains, cold conditions, inflammation, and

muscle tension.


Also known as cupping, ventosa is a form of massage therapy which

decompresses soft tissues using vacuum suction, unlike other forms of massage that

compresses soft tissues. During this procedure, the cup gently sucks to your skin and

lifts underlying soft tissue into the cup thereby moving stagnated blood and improving

blood circulation. This is recommended for those who suffer from chronic pain and

fatigue syndromes, high stress, migraine, joint pains, cold conditions, inflammation, and

muscle tension.


Our heavy metal foot detox baths are a fantastic way to rid the body of harmful

toxins that can come from your diet, impurities in the air, chemicals in your home, and

even beauty products. This is done by soaking the feet in a warm magnetic clay solution

that helps to absorb and remove said toxins from your body.


Our heavy metal foot detox baths are a fantastic way to rid the body of harmful

toxins that can come from your diet, impurities in the air, chemicals in your home, and

even beauty products. This is done by soaking the feet in a warm magnetic clay solution

that helps to absorb and remove said toxins from your body.


This uses the powerful combination of focused heat and long-wavelength NIR

(near infrared light) resulting in a powerful anti-inflammatory action. Users have reported

a feeling of overall well-being, detoxification, deeper sleep, faster lactic acid elimination

and greatly reduced joint pains. This is recommended for athletes, aging adults,

professionals, business owners and students. The saunaspace infrared therapy is best

used for those with rheumatic pain, chronic pain and fatigue, poor circulation, high blood

pressure, low immune system, heavy metal toxicity, depression, and chronic

degenerative disease.


This uses the powerful combination of focused heat and long-wavelength NIR

(near infrared light) resulting in a powerful anti-inflammatory action. Users have reported

a feeling of overall well-being, detoxification, deeper sleep, faster lactic acid elimination

and greatly reduced joint pains. This is recommended for athletes, aging adults,

professionals, business owners and students. The saunaspace infrared therapy is best

used for those with rheumatic pain, chronic pain and fatigue, poor circulation, high blood

pressure, low immune system, heavy metal toxicity, depression, and chronic

degenerative disease.


This uses electromagnetic waves that aid in cellular repair and elimination of

unhealthy cells. Talk about a modern-day detox! It is a safe, painless and non-invasive

technique with zero discomfort and irritation. The light waves can penetrate up to 20-25

cms activating the epidermis, muscles and visceral cells at a fast rate, repairing cells

layer by layer. This improves blood circulation and balances bodily functions, manages

inflammation, pain and other bodily discomforts, enhances cognitive function and

strengthens the immune system.


This uses electromagnetic waves that aid in cellular repair and elimination of

unhealthy cells. Talk about a modern-day detox! It is a safe, painless and non-invasive

technique with zero discomfort and irritation. The light waves can penetrate up to 20-25

cms activating the epidermis, muscles and visceral cells at a fast rate, repairing cells

layer by layer. This improves blood circulation and balances bodily functions, manages

inflammation, pain and other bodily discomforts, enhances cognitive function and

strengthens the immune system.


Just stepping on this machine for 30 minutes a day gives you a host of benefits :

Allows the cells to return to normal

Helps blood circulation

Relieves and improves physical pain

Soothes and improves body inflammation

Helps blood pressure to return to normal

Helps restore blood sugar to normal levels

Speeds up metabolism and aids with weight loss

Increases the body’s melatonin and improve sleep quality

Relieves stress, improves mood or anxiety problems

Helps microvascular circulation in the head, reduces risk of stroke and brain degeneration


Just stepping on this machine for 30 minutes a day gives you a host of benefits :

Allows the cells to return to normal

Helps blood circulation

Relieves and improves physical pain

Soothes and improves body inflammation

Helps blood pressure to return to normal

Helps restore blood sugar to normal levels

Speeds up metabolism and aids with weight loss

Increases the body’s melatonin and improve sleep quality

Relieves stress, improves mood or anxiety problems

Helps microvascular circulation in the head, reduces risk of stroke and brain degeneration


The name gua sha- pronounced as gwahshah-comes from the Chinese word for scraping. This is the practice of using a small, smooth-edged tool to apply pressure and scrape the skin to release pain and tension. This action causes light bruising, which often appears as purple or red spots known as petechiae or sha. The gentle scraping motion of gua sha is believed to stimulate the lymphatic system, helping to increase circulation, reduce inflammation, move excess fluids, and flush out toxins from the tissues. How can gently “scraping” your skin help it heal? According to traditional Chinese Medicine, good health relies on chi, or energy, to easily flow through your body. If this important force gets blocked in an area, you can start to have health issues. Gua sha is believed to get this vital energy “unstuck” and flowing again. 

Different kinds of

1. ANTI-AGING IV DRIP:  This is a specially formulated combination of powerful age-defying anti-oxidants and vitamin C. This assist in collagen production, removal of toxins and providing the nutrients to assist your body and skin to regenerate, rejuvenate and recover. Also recommended for those with skin conditions. Components: Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vit B Complex, Glutathione, Zinc, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Niacin, Placenta

2. Korean Cinderella/ Beauty Drip: This targets and eliminates free radicals and toxins that contribute to aging and naturally cleanses your body to give your skin a youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Components: Alpha lipoic acid, collagen, multivitamins, glutathione, Coq10, vitamin C

3. Energy-enhancing/Mitochondrial and Fertility Drip: This helps enhance the functioning of the mitochondria in the cells, increasing immunity and energy and boosting fertility as it is infused with amino acids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
Components: Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vit B Complex,Vit B12,  Selenium, Zinc, Alpha Lipoic Acid and L-Carnitine

4. Slimming Drip: This enhances weight loss. Components: Vit C, Vit B Complex, Vit B12, Vit B 5 Dexpanthenol, Vit B 6 Pydridoxine, Niacin, Magnesium, Zinc, L-Carnitine

5. Detox Drip: This helps with flushing out toxins, gives mental clarity, and gives your immune system a kick. Components: Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex, Niacin, Selenium, Zinc, Glutathione, NAC

6. Immune Booster/Myer’s Drip: This is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that enhance the immune system, reduce fatigue, help with seasonal allergies, reduce symptoms of asthma, migraine, cardiovascular disease and fibromyalgia. This also helps with mood disorders, thyroid issues and inflammatory conditions. Also recommended to boost athletic performance.  Components: Magnesium, calcium, Vitamin C, Vit B, Vit B Complex B5,B6,B12, Selenium and Zinc

7. Wellness Drip: Simple yet fully packed with essential vitamins and minerals to support the body’s everyday needs. Components: Vitamin C, Vit B12, Vitamin B Complex, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc


Frequently Asked Questions


Once the needles have been removed, many indiviuals report feeling relaxed. Others say they feel energized. It's important to recognize that everyone responds differently to acupuncture and that individuals should listen to their body.


To go to your GP, you generally need to be ill. Not so with TCM- you can use acupuncture and TCM even when you are not ill, or "not feeling 100%", or you don't want to wait until you get ill. TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine has always been used to improve health, to be so well that you don't get unwell, and be able to live your life to full.


Acupuncture can, and is often used in conjunction with western medical treatment. It does not negatively interfere with other forms of medicine. It is important, however, to tell your practitioner what other forms of treatment you are receiving.


The number of treatments depends on your condition, its severity and how your body responds. Most people go for weekly treatments. Others get treatment more or less often, depending on how long the effects last. You may not get the full benefits of acupuncture on the first or second treatment hence if you decide to try acupuncture, you should give it at least five treatments.


Initially, the benefits of regular acupuncture can last a few days to a couple of weeks after each session. Over time, acupuncture can provide longer lasting or even permanent relief from pain, inflammation and other problems.


A type acupuncture session will take up to 60 minutes. It usually includes a health assessment prior to their first treatment. Once inserted correctly, needles will usually remain in place for 15-30 minutes.


Yes. In the hands of a professionally trained practitioner, Acupuncture TCM is relatively safe. Other than an occasional bruise, there are no side effects. Also, acupuncture needles are sterile single use needles. They are safe and painless to use, and safely discarded after each treatment.


This will vary according to the person being treated, and the acupuncture point into which said needles is being applied. It can be anywhere from 2mm to 13mm approximately.


No. Most people barely feel anything or very little pain when the needles are inserted. Some may feel a slight pinch, a tingling sensation, or some heaviness on those points that carry stress or any issues. If any discomfort is experienced, it is usually mild and temporary.


Chinese medicine calls the energy that flows through your body qi. Chinese medicine practitioners believe qi disruptions create imbalances in your body's energy that lead to illness. Acupuncture works by balancing the body's qi or flow of energy through the placement of very thin needles on specific points of the body.

Contact Us


Ground Floor, Dr. Ronald P. Guzman Medical Center, Enrile Blvd, Carig, Tuguegarao City, Philippines, 3500

MQ24+2C3, Tuguegarao, Cagayan, Philippines